#WriteMotivation Check

I am posting this just to keep myself in check.


1) Read one book every week, one of which is about how to improve my writing.

Week 1: I am half-way through The Alchemyst, by Michael Scott and half-way through Writing Irresistable Kidlit, by Mary Kole.

Week 2: Still half-way through The Alchemyst, by Michael Scott and half-way through Writing Irresistable Kidlit, by Mary Kole. Read The Christmas Sweater, by Glenn Beck.

2) Post on every member’s blog once per week.

Week 1: DONE

Week 2: DONE

3) Send out 15 agent queries.

Week 1: Nothing yet.

Week 2: I have a list of agents and their requirements on a spreadsheet.

4) Do not get depressed when I am rejected.

Week 1: N/A

Week 2: N/A

5) Finish final edit of TPR.

Week 1: Chapter 18 of 32. I feel good about this.

Week 2: Chapter 26 of 32. Woot!

6) Outline all of TGM. Decide on POV and tense for TGM.

Week 1: Have to finish 5 first.

Week 2: No change.


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